Wallick One of the First For-Profits to Join Local Housing Alliance

Wallick was one of the first for-profit affordable housing organizations to become a member of the Affordable Housing Alliance of Central Ohio (AHACO). Wallick’s partnership with AHACO will support its efforts to connect with federal, state, and local officials to find innovative solutions to the shortage of affordable housing in central Ohio.

Additionally, Wallick’s Advocacy Task Force has increased its efforts to advocate for affordable housing policies, programs and funding. In the fall, members participated in two roundtable discussions with the Ohio Gubernatorial candidates and separately took part in discussions and interactions with the candidates and their staff. The purpose of these sessions was to present and discuss an Ohio Housing Platform to the State’s next governor.

The group also successfully worked with U.S. Congressman Troy Balderson of Ohio’s 12th District to gain his support of H.R. 1661 — The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act. Congressman Balderson signed on as a co-sponsor of this important legislation in late October. Earlier in the year, Wallick’s Bill Hinga traveled to Capitol Hill to call on the offices of seven Ohio Congressional members for their support of H.R. 1661.